
Showing posts from May, 2023

NFPs: How to Complete Form 990 Avoiding Common Mistakes?

  It is imperative for not-for-profit organizations to diligently choose the appropriate Form 990 return each year to steer clear of incurring hefty penalties for noncompliance. An incomplete or erroneous recovery may lead to rejection by the IRS, particularly when filing electronically. Thoroughly reviewing and correcting common filing errors reported by the IRS is vital to ensure precise preparation and review of IRS Form 990 returns before submission. The most common cause of IRS 990 return rejection is incomplete or absent schedules. It is crucial to use the proper return for the corresponding tax period and remember that specific non-profit organizations are barred from filing Form 990-EZ and 990-N. How to complete Form 990 without committing any mistakes? Sell your firm’s purpose: Providing comprehensive details regarding your organization’s programs and ongoing efforts toward accomplishing the not-for-profit’s original goal is essential. State that your organization is ...

A Complete Guide on the Valuation and Keeping a Record of Non-Cash Contributions

  Donations that do not take the form of cash but instead take the shape of commodities, services, or other assets are referred to as non-monetary contributions. Items like clothing, furniture, equipment, and even volunteer services are eligible as contributions. Non-profit organizations (NPOs) can accept donations in different forms, including non-cash contributions. The non-cash donations are crucial to NPOs because they enable them to operate and meet their objectives without paying a lot of money out of pocket, support their mission, and boost productivity. However, to fully benefit from non-cash contributions, NPOs must fairly value and record them. If they need the in-house team to handle this crucial task, they must consider hiring a professional team to maintain flawless records for the non-cash contributions they often receive in cash or kind. Correct Valuation of Non-Cash Contributions The valuation of non-cash contributions is essential because it establishes the r...

Small Business Bookkeeping Minneapolis | Prudent Accountants

Prudent Accountants come up with Managed Accounting service which is beneficial to larger companies and their finance departments. A key component of success is the ability to realize the financial performance of your business. Accounting records are time-consuming, tedious, and error-prone, we at Prudent Accountants take on the responsibility of maintaining and facilitating accurate, concise accounting and financial statements. We are known as  Small Business Bookkeeping in Minneapolis .  Get in touch with us at 6126053178.

Tips for NFPs to Make a Compelling Grant Report While Ensuring Grant Requirements

NFPs (Non-profit organizations) depend on grants and funds to maintain their programs and services. Many aspects are considered, from preparing grant reports, grant proposals, and impact reporting, to submitting the final copy to the management. The accurate grant reporting lets the funding organizations know that the NFPs have spent the grant the way they stated in their reports. However, there are a few best practices that NFPs need to follow before the IRS audits their fund reporting.   Let’s check out a few effective best practices.   Curate a Compelling Background with the Grant Report By creating a detailed financial reporting schedule, you will know how much funding the organization requires. So, build a relationship and tell your story to the funder. It is best to give specific details instead of writing long paragraphs. Your storytelling should be done to tug at the reader’s heart without losing the mission’s primary focus. The personal relationship built with the fun...